Wednesday, May 18, 2011

“It’s like giving bacon to a starving vegetarian” – Stage Kiss

Saw a new play, Stage Kiss, at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago.  I Had dinner beforehand with an old friend who had never seen me eat meat.  When we heard this line in the play “It’s like giving bacon to a starving vegetarian” we both started laughing.

Throughout the next few days that line from the play stuck with me.  Every vegetarian is starving in a sense.  Robb Wolf writes that when having a vegetarian diet you can survive but you can’t strive.  When you are not fulfilling your dietary needs part of you is starving.  I look back now and wonder, in my vegetarian days would I have eaten bacon if I was starving?  If you would have asked me that question three months ago I probably naively would have said no.  Now, give me bacon (the thick meaty kind) when I am starving or full and yes I’ll eat it!  And, I’ll love it!   And, I’ll know it is the protein and type of fat my body strives on.

This next statement may not sit well with many but I have come to looking at vegetarianism as an eating disorder.  Vegetarians, myself previously included in this group, like to delude themselves with the idea that it is a healthy lifestyle.  They even use environmental reasons to justify that ‘lifestyle’.  You can eat locally.  You don’t have to use harming the environment to ultimately harm yourself.  I've never had a traditional eating disorder but isn't starving your body basically that?  My understand of eating disorders is that they stem from some psychological base.  For me, vegetarianism definately stemed from some sort of self imposed atonement.  I am sure I will have more to say on this later but right now I am still working through it all.  Until then, I'll keep recovering!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vegetarians Raining Down on Me :)

Recently, I moved to a different department at work.  I really like my new position and with it came a move to a different desk to be with the rest of the team.  Low and behold I am seated next to a Vegetarian.  Now, I have known her and she knew I started eating meat.  She doesn't say much about it and neither do I.  However, she started working out with a personal trainer.  Watching her try to find protein sources reminds me of my struggle trying to do the same.  Protein powder, almond butter, dairy, etc. while they may have protein it's not necessarily complete protein.  Your body does not process protein from grains and other alternative sources the same.  I know what a struggle it is and I just want to say "eat a steak"!  But, we all know there is nothing worse than a reformed whore.

It reminds me of how many changes I have experienced.  As I told you earlier, I sleep through the night now.  In addition, I use to have digestive issues.  Those are gone and so is the depression that manifested after I stopped eating meat.  I have more energy and feel more content.  One thing I recently noticed sounds strange but honestly, I smell better.  In my vegetarian days I hated how I smelt.  I smelt like dead leaves, like autumn.  Now, I'm not sure how to describe how I smell (probably just like other carnivores) but it's not like dead leaves.

Made my weekly run to Whole Foods today and wanted to pick up some more of that lemon rosemary turkey breast slices.  They were out so I inquired about the maple honey turkey breast.  The woman assisting me commented that it sells well but she doesn't eat meat so would I like to taste a sample.  Of course I said yes.  I had to tell her that I had eaten meatless for 20 years and just started eating meat.  The woman standing to the right of me chimed in that she had been a vegetarian for 12 years and began explaining the differences in taste and texture of all the different turkey options.  My God, when I was a vegetarian I was surrounded by meat eaters.  Now, they are all over the place!  Vegetarians are raining down on me.  Am I supposed to be the teacher?  Is the student ready? (reference the Buddhist saying I started this blog by quoting)

Watching Top Chef Masters on Bravo there is this vegetarian chef.  He just went on and on about how meat is bad for you and he works with nutritionists so you should eat a vegi burger instead of a meat burger.  I want to scream at him.  He has no clue!  This is a cooking contest for the Biggest Loser contestants.  They are working out all day.  They need animal protein.  He is in the bottom three.  Justice is being served.  He got on his soap box talking about obesity.  One of the judges responded that you can't link obesity in this country to eating meat.  Exactly!  It's linked to corn, wheat, and grains if you really want to face the truth.  Well, looks like he has to pack his knife's.  He's the biggest loser today.

One more thing off topic, today I weighed myself at the gym and have lost 2 more pounds.  YEAH!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shrimp Salad

Today I made up this simple salad and loved how light and refreshing it was.  I was also quite happy that I came up with the recipe all by myself.

4 oz salad shrimp
1/2 avocado
1/2 tomato
1/2 lemon

chop up the avocado and tomato, add the shrimp.  Stir it up then squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon.  Stir again and eat!  This is enough for one serving so obviously if you want to make it for more people multiple the ingredients accordingly.

I sliced the other half of the avocado and wrapped them in some turkey slices I bought yesterday.  Turned into a great snack.

Steak Junkie

Well I haven't been posting much lately so I will try to write more often.  It's week six and not much has changed.  I had another biosig yesterday and lost two pounds.  Zach thinks it was fluid.  He explained that when I started eating meat my body most likely retained more fluid due to sodium.  Now, my body is leveling out so to speak. 

Friday night I met a friend out for dinner at Wildfire.  While I had been there multiple times in my meatless days, this was the first time as a carnivore.  YUM.  OMG, this is what I remember steak tasting like.  I had the three medallion filet mignon, one crusted with mushroom, another parmesan, and the third with a peppercorn sauce.  Of course we had salad and a side of steamed brocolli too.  But the steak was definately the main event.  Must also give a call out to the flourless chocolate cake for dessert, delicious!  I could definately become a steak junkie.

Picked up my weekly chicken breasts from Whole Foods.  They had a new turkey breast loaf thing that they cut slices for you from.  I don't know what you call it but you get the idea.  Lemon rosemary turkey breast slices, I can't stop eating them.  In fact, I just had some for breakfast along with a hard boiled egg and pear slices.

I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge that every now and then I still get a little weirded out about the fact that I am eating something that use to walk around.  I just remember 'you have to take the essence of the animal inside of you' and I get over it.